maanantai 22. elokuuta 2011

Clothes and accessories challenge: Day 6,7,8&9

6. A pair of pants that aren't jeans.

I bought these about 2 years ago .. ? I think.
They're comfy n__n

7. A cute outfit of yours

This one, was very hard for me. I think I don't use cute clothes XD
I actually just made up this one, just for this purpose. Never wore it earlier. Aaand since summer's over, I think I won't wear before 2012 if I don't go out for a holiday ( obviously not gonna happen )

8. Your most expensive article of clothing


 I bought the dress for my confirmation party back 2008, and it was the most expensive clothing I still have. YES I don't like spending too much money to one cloth, and this is the most expensive I have and it was like around 50 euros~

9. A cute dress / skirt

I bought this one during this summer, it was on sale. Though I was out of money, my dear friend SUNGHYUN (omg you're always in my blogs XD <3 ) borrowed me some money and I got it :3 THANK YOU !

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